I’m trapped
trapped in this life
trapped by the choices and decisions I’ve made
resulting in this irreversible trap that binds me
constricting me to a given path
like a train bound to its tracks
I see my future before me
a path that chokes the joy from my life
trapped by my parentage
who bequeathed me my middleclass mediocrity
trapped by a spouse
who no longer loves me, but wouldn’t understand why
trapped by a Relationship
which really needs my love and presence, and requires me to remain alive
trapped by apathetic friends
who are fully absorbed in their own crises
trapped by an education
that excludes interesting career choices
trapped by jobs
that mandate acceptance, conformity, boredom
trapped by geography
restricting my ability to run far away
trapped by poverty
eliminating all choices entirely
I have no viable options
no pleasant foreseeable future
no realistic reason for foolish hope
nor pathetic undaunted optimism
I have nothing but the melancholy realization
that this is my shitty life
and unfortunately
it will last