The grass is green and blue is sky.
The Human class is mean and so do I.
Loving someone from the heart.
Writing a love letter and saving it as draft.
Someone once asked who the hell is she,
I smiled and replied 'she is a typecasted me'.
The forest and mountains are crying ,
Still we ,humans, are enjoying the music and let them dying.
The horizon is gone and no shade of the trees,
Still we ,humans, are counting the beads and smoking the weeds.
Stocks are rising and bulls are fighting .
No time to sleep but still we are hiking.
Reaching the tops and enjoying the beauty.
Climbing down and pissing roadside is our duty.
The trigger is on and dimension of time is gone.
Earth is now frowning with floods and moaning in marshy mud's.
Why crying for help or asking for death,
This is what you have created Mr. Macbeth .
Her beautiful eyes were clear and dark.
But soon humans wrecked her just like Bismark .
We're running wild and we're restless.
And we live in the high altitude apartments to be breathless.
The Global warming and dead dark mornings,
The situations of droughts and Terrorist warnings,
The Massacres based on religion and the casts.
Another name of Nature's Holocaust .
So now Humans ,enjoy this holocaust as you are the mother of all the inventions ;-)

Forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair.
~~~Kahlil Gibran
By- Aditya Dogra :-)