Thursday, December 31, 2009
Who Am I ?

O kashmir, home of mine
Valley of Gods and land divine!!
What is tearing you apart ?
What rends thy sacred heart?
The lovely fabric that you wore
The jamas and shawls galore,
Woven by those of the land-
Then there was no foreign hand.
People lived in total peace
Holidaymakers came from Greece
Gulmarg was the paradise,
Heaven looking down through its eyes.
Shikaras were a fatal attraction
That was my only reactions;
I never wanted to leave the lake
Not for heaven ,nor for its sake .
Snow-clad mountains and their peaks
Kashmiri is what the local speaks,
No hindu, Muslim and any other
No pandita, mullahs-only bothers.
How can things take such ugly shape -
Mindless looting ,plunder and rape ?
In the Firfaus of the East,
What has turned Man to Beast ?
In religion meant for this -
Hatred, intolerance and no bliss ?
The fair name of the fairest land
Tainted now - and by whose hand ?
The villains were those who spit the nation
And walked away , leaving conflagration,
Their global empire reduced to a pretty state
Having practised the politics of creating hates
Let us ride above those machinations
Of powers limited by their own limitations.
Let not the leaders of today
Through artful design lose their way.
If history does itself repeat
Then let it show pre-'47:
It's not beyond human feat
Let us get back out Heaven !!!!
Sunday, October 4, 2009
We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children.

The grass is green and blue is sky.
The Human class is mean and so do I.
Loving someone from the heart.
Writing a love letter and saving it as draft.
Someone once asked who the hell is she,
I smiled and replied 'she is a typecasted me'.
The forest and mountains are crying ,
Still we ,humans, are enjoying the music and let them dying.
The horizon is gone and no shade of the trees,
Still we ,humans, are counting the beads and smoking the weeds.
Stocks are rising and bulls are fighting .
No time to sleep but still we are hiking.
Reaching the tops and enjoying the beauty.
Climbing down and pissing roadside is our duty.
The trigger is on and dimension of time is gone.
Earth is now frowning with floods and moaning in marshy mud's.
Why crying for help or asking for death,
This is what you have created Mr. Macbeth .
Her beautiful eyes were clear and dark.
But soon humans wrecked her just like Bismark .
We're running wild and we're restless.
And we live in the high altitude apartments to be breathless.
The Global warming and dead dark mornings,
The situations of droughts and Terrorist warnings,
The Massacres based on religion and the casts.
Another name of Nature's Holocaust .
So now Humans ,enjoy this holocaust as you are the mother of all the inventions ;-)

Forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair.
~~~Kahlil Gibran
By- Aditya Dogra :-)
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
'm Singing

I'm singin' in the rain, Just singin' in the rain...
I'm laughing at clouds, so dark up above..
The sun's in my heart, and I'm ready for love.
Let the stormy clouds chase, Everyone from the place
Come on with the rain, I've a smile on my face.
I'll walk down the lane, With a happy refrain
And I'm singin', just singin' in the rain
Sunday, April 19, 2009
ViruLenT SiLencE
Listening to the voice of my soul
I think am enough old to make a decision so called 'bold'
Life is saying ' don't look away ' and live me with at least some way
Flowing wind through my window is calling me to be a part of it
I don't know whats acting as a obstacle in my head makes me apart from it.
Reading a book 'art of war' and thinking about the altitude pressure in 'BAR'
The chants of rudrams are making me crazy
seems like am in a temple and living a life which is Lazy
The world seems to be a dump of dreams
without understanding what i am going to be "A Being"
Life and death are not the related
My Soul is shouting 'you are born here but happy belated death '
Darkness surround the light, making light 'a shining black'
rusted emotions makes me think what is that 'which i really lag and Lack'
My Aimless life is feeling blues with losing spirit to live
the love which once holds me tight , seems like thinning blood vessels
and that's a sparking true .
writing code and following mail threads ,
doesn't make me think that i am not dead
Booting Routers and googling dreams
doesn't calm down my soul from continuous screams
Listening Music ,watching movies,reading books and eating
Playing foosball, chatting with friends and attending meetings
This is all i am doing , trying to run from my inner heatings
I know that's a F***ing cheating
Messed up Nights , void aim and searching soul for someone to blame
Energizing myself with Black coffee but nothing is helping to diminishing my inner flame
Burying myself under the Sun Beams and smashing my thoughts without any mean
Results in giving jerks to my life with a old thought of Atlas Shrugged " WHO is John Galt ?. "
Friday, April 17, 2009
Rusted Soul and Damned body

Wisdom of hollowness inside my body
sometime argues with endurance of my soul
Makes me to abandon all my words…….
the words of my spirit, “I believe in ME”
Barren land of haunted desires
sometime craves for spark of drop
My body wants to leave everything
But my soul cries and shouts….
“I believe in vigor of my tears”
Lifeless body lingers with soul
sometime hides behind fallacious wall
My body leaves truth to live in fallacy
But my soul dances and shouts…
“I believe in trueness of my breath”
Somewhere beyond this moment
where my soul and my body dances
in the realm of isolated heaven
I can surely hear my song….
I believe in togetherness
of my body and my soul
“I Believe in ME”
Thursday, March 19, 2009
If i has known !!!

Thinking of sane life in insane world
i took a deep breath and said a good bye
tossing life and turning pages
looks like i am dying from ages and ages
listening Metallica with my headphones
talking to myself on the dead phones
disconnecting friends and nearby
in order to understand who the f**k am I
rusted aims,plastic means and rotten dreams
now-a-days make me scream whenever i try to be myself being
Moving ahead under the shadow of dark sky
still thinking someday i will fly
grinning eyes and clocking breath
am think i am alive or dead
poverty wrinkled down my face
making others understand the slowdown pace
need to grip the flowing water tight
so as to show up light is bright.
Monday, March 9, 2009
life is big Shit ,so dont Quit anything for it :-()

When things go wrong, as they sometimes will,
When the road you’re trudging seems all uphill,
When the funds are low and the debts are high,
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh,
When care is pressing you down a bit
Rest if you must, but don't you quit.
Life is queer with its twists and its turns,
As every one of us sometimes learns,
And many a failure turns about
When they might have won, had they stuck it out.
Don't give up though the pace seems slow,
You may succeed with another blow.
Often the struggler has given up
When he might have captured the victor’s cup;
And he learned too late when the night came down,
How close he was to the golden crown.
Success is failure turned inside out
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt
And you never can tell how close you are,
It may be near when it seems so far;
So stick to the fight when you’re hardest hit,
It's when things seem worst that you mustn't quit!