Wednesday, March 5, 2008

I Am SoMeBoDy

"I Am - Somebody" is a poem by Reverend Jesse Jackson. This poem is to motivate black students .Tho poem goes like this :

I am Somebody!
I am Somebody!
I may be poor,
But I am Somebody.
I may be young,
But I am Somebody.
I may be on welfare,
But I am Somebody.
I may be small,
But I am Somebody.
I may have made mistakes,
But I am Somebody.
My clothes are different,
My face is different,
My hair is different,
But I am Somebody.
I am black,
Brown,or white.
I speak a different language
But I must be respected,
Never rejected.
I am God’s child!


ruther padao said...

i love poem and i like this

Unknown said...

not written by Rev Jackson, written by Reverend William H. Borders, Sr., senior pastor at Wheat Street Baptist Church and civil rights activist in Atlanta GA.

Unknown said...

I love this poem too